Tuesday, May 29, 2007


What a great weekend!!!!!! Great weekends always seem like they last longer than they actually were. It was really nice to have the opportunity to share time and space with close friends and family, all while getting to meet and getting to know others that I've hadn't had time to share with before. Thanks to all of our family and friends for taking the time to come over and realize and share some of the good things in life....Food/Music/Conversation and Company.

As for me, it's nearly 2:00 am I guess, and I gotta get back to sleep....



1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are the most fun couple ever! Do you know how much y'all amke us laugh? You and Gina are so inspiring and your love for one another is so obvious. Your home is so precious. I feel like I can be myself and come alive in your home. What a blessing the two of you are to us. WOW!